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There is no place like home
'Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to beautiful." William Morris It should be our safe haven, a...

The making of... Glimpse
This will be part of a series of blog posts that hopefully demystify the printmaking process a little bit and take you behind the scenes...

The Joy of packaging art
I’m addicted to shopping small for myself and for others, I love the extra care and attention that goes into every item and its always...

Favourite printmaking technique?
A printmaking studio feels like a sweet shop; there are so many different techniques and processes that catch your eye. In an Open Access...

We need a bit of GRACE
I've just been out for a walk it's crisp, cold and frosty the ground is glistening in the winter sun on this very quiet and subdued New...

A (not so little) redirection
I felt like there was always something I had to do, something I was moving forward towards, always thinking about the next thing, so when...

‘Ink it over’ 10 May- 28 July Minor Oak Co-working, Nottingham. Printmakers Clef Skyers-Aakerstrom, Sarah Holden, Clare Morgan and Sarah...

All too Human...
Have you ever been so in awe, so wowed by a piece of art that you just had to stop and take it all in. This particular time it was the...

Full time artist... part time job?
Todays #marchmeetthemaker theme is Full or part time. As I was organising my content for this using @joannehawker planner towards the end...

In motion series... explained
Defying gravity, energetic, bursting with energy, creating a striking contrast of calm balance and action. The purples, blues, yellows...

Why the falling figures?
How could I possibly describe it… coming out of a couple of years of uncertainty, having been too unwell to do the things I took for...

Behind the scenes in the studio
I am so excited to have been part of photographer Paola De Giovani’s new photographic project. Paola has recently started an exciting...

Acknowledging imperfections...
My word of the year is ‘Consistency’ Word of the year is a concept of having a word that keeps you focused on a goal… it’s a concept I’ve...

My beginning... why I am a printmaker
At college, 18 years ago entering the print room for the first time I was in awe of all the machinery, it all looked so alien to me, so...

Why no heads?
For years my figures had no faces... People have always fascinated me. I have undeniably loved figurative work since the moment I drew...
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