I've just been out for a walk it's crisp, cold and frosty the ground is glistening in the winter sun on this very quiet and subdued New Years eve. It's nice to get out and have some space and time to think. I've been feeling quite reflective, and there has been a lot to digest in this rollercoaster of the year 2020.
I'm feeling a bit fragile as the year ends, I've swung from throwing myself into tasks at lightning speed to being unable to do anything, at times watching far too much news and letting my thoughts get the better of me. I spent 12 weeks without leaving my house due to shielding and then navigated my way back into a classroom. I discovered a love of open water swimming, have shifted my art practice in a new direction, have taught virtually in ways I never expected, started improv online and even played Dungeons and dragons. I am thankful to have built-up a community through online craft fairs and stayed connected with the wonderful artists at Banks Mill.

For the last three years, I've had a word of the year rather than tie myself down to very specific resolutions. I found it really beneficial to focus on a word that outlines my priorities it reminds me what I want to focus on and how I can align the things that I do. After the year we have had I feel that we need some grace.
It's something I've had on my mind for the last couple of weeks when reflecting on what's needed, I can be really hard on myself as there's always something else that I can be doing to make things better but its ok to be kind to ourselves to be more patient I want to be able to extend more grace to myself. I also hope that this word will impact positively on the people around me, my husband, family and friends to think about my words and actions and to show how much I appreciate people in my life. We all need to be kind to each other and patient, things haven't been easy and the challenges aren't going to disappear at the stroke of midnight.
The word is hopefully going to remind me to slow down and not run through life, to work with an intention to use my time and energy well so that I can feel at ease, building relaxation and looking after myself so that I am in the best place to extend grace to myself and others.
I want the word to underpin my actions and my approach to life it's something that I hope I can call upon in difficult times and that through the year I can create Connections and have empathy.
If you were to choose a word of the year what would it be?